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Our Top 5 Awesome Fishing Articles - June

It's been a busy month here at Rok Max HQ! We've had a few fantastic fishing trips and helped provide some awesome tackle to our customers and charter boat friends. As you may have seen we've been busy on our new social networks, such as Facebook and Twitter, sharing great photos and content whilst building some fantastic new connections with many of you guys! During this time we've come across some amazing stories and articles so we've decided to pull together our top 5 every month and share with you all - we're sure you're going to find some really useful and interesting stuff!

1. 11 of the World's Best Fishing Spots by Doug Olander

We absolutely love this list of the world’s best fishing spots – some are most definitely on my personal bucket list too! How about you? Which of these is on your bucket list?

Best Fishing Spots

"Locating one of those ultimate fishing destinations doesn’t necessarily require flying to the far side of the planet. Nearly all of the 11 destinations cited here are in or near North/Central America. Each is oriented around a particular goal. I ended up with 11 versus the expected 10 because one goal — catch a slam — required both an inshore and an offshore destination."

2. A Beginner's Guide to Uptide Fishing By Dave Lewis

Uptiding is easy, isn’t it? Well it's a little more complicated than many think! So check out this great fishing article packed with useful info and top tips for uptide fishing along with clear diagrams from my chum Dave Lewis.

A beginners guide to uptide fishing

"To fish effectively with boatcasting tackle you have to be aware of the uptiding rules, which are based on water depth and speed of the tide. Expert uptider, Dave Lewis explains the principles."

3. Solent Smoothounds By Leo Toms

There's been lots of recent catches in the Solent - which inspired this recent interesting article with tips and advice about catching Solent smoothounds. These are fun to catch and available to all from boat or shore.

Solent Smoothounds

"After reading lots of good smoothhound were being caught up the Solent I decided to try and get a piece of the action! My mate Martin tagged along and we decided on fishing “parkshore” a venue well known for producing good hounds this time of year. Never having fished that far East before we used the satnav to find our way there."

4. Catch Tarpon Along Both Florida Coats By Alex Suescun

I really want to break out the fly rods and head to Florida chasing the silver king after reading this and looking at the dreamy photos!


"If you’ve felt the adrenaline rush and the sense of accomplishment derived from even modest success with tarpon, you know the fabled “silver king” is in a class all its own. Come April, droves of this challenging game fish are on the move along both coasts of the Sunshine State, and four tarpon pros help you tap into the annual migration and turn near misses and sporadic action into consistent triumphs."

5. Sign Posting Bass By Tim Harrison

We love bass – it's the UK’s favourite light tackle species! Check out this interesting and informative article from Tim Harrison on the "sign posts" to look out for when you're bass fishing.

Sign Posting Bass

"If there is one question that I am asked most it has to be; ‘where do I catch bass locally’? Bass signpost their presence in a way that few other fish that swim our coastal waters do, (the other obvious candidate being Mackerel). Sometimes they will do so directly. It is a rare and spectacular sight to find a party of bass on the feed and near the surface. It happens every so often and when it does there is no mistaking it."

That's it! There's our top 5 articles we've discovered this month and found useful - we hope you enjoy them too. If you've discovered any awesome articles then why not share them with us on Facebook or Tweet us @RokmaxFishing. Tight Lines.

Allan Shephard
I've spent a big chunk of my life either fishing, talking about fishing, teaching fishing or working in the tackle trade. My hunger for ever more extreme and challenging fishing adventures continues to grow and can only be satisfied by a regular angling fix! I hold AAPGAI advanced instruction qualifications in single & double-handed fly-casting and have had articles published by some of the biggest UK fishing magazine titles. I consider myself very much an all-round angler. I have fished in over 20 countries worldwide for a variety of species in both fresh and saltwater. Advising people how to kit themselves out with tackle and clothing for their next fishing adventure is always a pleasure – please take advantage of my experience and knowledge.
