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Rok Max Customer Stuart Catches Porbeagle Shark

It's Saturday 8th April and on a personal fishing quest, I've finally caught my Porbeagle Shark from my own Warrior 165 fishing boat!

After many months of waiting for a decent weather window, I nearly missed my chance of getting out for a shark fishing session because of other fishing commitments (The Brighton Pollock competition) coinciding. However, after a mad dash post competition to get the boat loaded then driving 200 miles to Cornwall, I had just a one-day window to hook myself a porbeagle shark!

So at 5am on the 8th April, in the darkness, my friend Paul guided me as I backed the boat down the slipway. Within half-an-hour we were launched, had the car and trailer parked, and were heading out into the awesome Atlantic with hopes of a great day fishing.

We headed along the coast to an area I've been keen to fish for a while and started our drift, but after an hour the water became very cloudy, so we upped sticks and headed to another area to try our luck there. Thankfully a skipper from the area gave me some local and up-to-date information and we soon settled in on a new drift which produced plenty of bait, including my first mackerel of the year.

After many hours, we started to talk of packing it in, as the slipway is extremely fast to dry out. As we started to tidy things away, I heard the familiar "click click" on the clutch... I was instantly excited! Within seconds I was hooked into something VERY powerful which instantly had the rod arched over with 20lb of drag. This felt like something amazing.

I continued to play the fish, which played very hard indeed... charging the boat followed by deep dives. It surfaced with its head shaking and headed off again on a very long run over - I'd say well over 200m.

After having a great tussle with this magnificent fish, we finally got her along side the boat. What an absolute beauty! We swiftly tagged her for the Scottish Shark tagging program and then watched her disappear back into the depths after I cut the leader to release her.

A fantastic result in the end after nearly heading home!

Stuart Newell
Stuart Newell is a regular Rok Max customer who is an passionate fisherman. Stuart often reports for us and sends in pictures.


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